Thursday, 23 April 2009

All about... trust

Some time ago, I wrote a post about cruelty free personal care products. At that time I quoted The Body Shop as a reliable option because they do not test on animals. But Andrea, from Brazil Nut, wrote that the company was sold to L'Oreal a few years ago.

And some days ago, I met a amazing group of people here in Dublin, that promote veganism and animal rights. And they have a great website, called Vegaplanet. So, I started to read the site and found two articles related to this kind of products:

The first one is about The Body Shop: “The body shop was sold to L’Oreal/Nestle in March 2006 for £652m. According to Anita Roddick, who founded the firm 30 years ago, this deal was the best 30th anniversary gift the Body Shop could have received. Anita Roddick was expected to make £130 from the deal. Can The Body Shop be considered an ethical company?” (Click here to read the entire article)

The second one (that made me feel really sad) is about Original Source. (Yes, the company that I wrote so good words about and that I love its products): “Although Original Source may sound like an ideal company to support and buy from, things are not always what they seem and a little research is needed to know who we are dealing with.” (Click here to read the entire article)

It's really hard to find products 100% vegan (that don't cost a lot), but I can not trust these two companies anymore. Hope they can change their policy in the near future.

Check too: Companies to Avoid and Cruelty Free Products (at least Lush is in the good list!)


Anonymous said...

qdo olhei a imagem, pensei que fosse sorvete!

Anonymous said...

só mais uma coisa: os sabonetes - ou qq outra coisa da Lush - me dão dor de cabeça!
é só chegar perto da loja que a enxaqueca já começa...

All about... (vegan) food said...

Várias coisas parecem doces e cheiram como doces! Eu passo meio mal na loja também, o cheiro é muito forte, mas a gente sempre compra umas coisas mais leves, tipo de chocolate com baunilha, que é bom e não dá dor de cabeça ;o)


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