Saturday, 18 July 2009

What remains (is more than words) *

This week was my 34th birthday. My first one in Ireland. My first one far from my friends and family. I was excited and afraid. I didn't know what to expect. I usually don't feel good in my birthday. But I had a great week. I had some of the best moments ever. I got the most amazing message from people that I love and are far. Thanks everybody that made part of this.

My vegan birthday cake (that I baked):
chocolate cake with chantilly and strawberries filling

Acapulco Mexican Restaurant:
where we had my (early) birthday dinner

Vegan burritos: the food in the restaurant is amazing
Two days latter a mexican friend said that burritos is not a mexican food
(even Wikipedia seems to be wrong) and I'm still chocked with the news

After dinner:
"Dublin hardcore means you're never alone"
(You're so right Mac Kell!)

Chilling with my Brazilian friend Lubia and the Mexican guy Ricardo.
They came to visit me and see Dublin and stayed 3 days

And I still have more pics to post!

(* Mouthpiece)


Anonymous said...

Pois você merece isso e muito mais! =*

Franz said...

Nossa, a Lubia!
Bom, como disse o Filype "você merece isso e muito mais!"

Clarissa said...

Fico tão feliz que tenha sido tão legal assim...De coração. <3

xthingswesayx said...

Concordo com o Filype...
Muito, muito, muito mais!
Tão bom te ver sorrindo!

queria vc aqui =õ

Andréa said...

Adorei as fotos!!

Unknown said...

To atrasadíssima no post, mas que delícia saber que vc está se divertindo horrores aí e que está cheia de amigos. Tb, difícil não ficar seu(a) amigo(a). Melhor ainda saber que curtiu bastante o dia do seu aniversário! Vc merece tudo de bom! =D


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