Today is our 4th anniversary! It's unbelievable how fast time is passing. I still remember all the details of that day. The most beautiful day of my life.
I am not a religious person but me and Matteo decided to get married in the church as well. At the time it seemed to be the best thing to do to our families and it was 100% worth it. Everybody that was important to us was there and it was amazing! We had a small party after the ceremony with a vegan menu (including the cake) and the food was just perfect.
But the most important thing today is to celebrate these 4 years. I don't believe in marriage in the way some people do. I don't think that the law or the church can change two people's lives. I believe in love. Signing a piece of paper or talking in front of a priest didn't change nothing in my life. I was married before and it didn't work, so I could just give up. But I didn't. I still believe that living with someone you love more than everything is the best way to spend your life. I believe that this relationship between two people is really amazing. It's not always easy, but it's totally worth it. I don't believe that the law or the church make a marriage. Love, respect and friendship are the ingredients. And you must take care of this every single day. It will be enough, I promise. I don't understand how people think that getting married could change the relationship. I do believe that moving together changes a lot of things. But if you learn how to live and be happy with the person you love, you are already married.
Today I'm celebrating this amazing day and all the memories that it bring to my mind.
Matteo, thanks for being my husband. The love of my life.
Aw what a beautiful post! Congratulations you two, hope you have a wonderful day :)
Assino embaixo de tudo o que vc falou. <3
Parabens pra vcs dois, e que venham muitos anos mais de amor, sinceridade, companherismo e respeito.
Congratulations! :)
Lindos! Parabens!!
lindos, lindos, lindos.
o casamento foi a coisa mais linda do mundo e eu agradeço muito por ter feito parte dessa história.
que venham muitos outros anos!
Ok, me senti uma idiota falando com vc em inglês ¬¬. KKKKKKKK. Mas então Glauce, fica tranquila que as peles são falsas! ^^ Tudo que posto lá procuro saber de onde veem e as minhas leitoras já sabem disso , ehehehe. MAs foi bom o toque para eu começar a lembrar os novos leitores como vc né? ^^ No mais é claro que amaria postar o link dos Cupcakes veganos! Pode me passar sim! Vou amar! Obrigada pela visitinha e sempre passa lá sussa heheeh. (tirando alguns posts de sapatos de couro que infelizmente ainda não temos como fugir esteticamente deles) Bjs!
Happy anniversary! You look gorgeous in that photo!
Muito belo! Faço das suas palavras as minhas no fim do texto.
Parabéns pelo dia. Todo bom sentimento do mundo a vocês.
Parabéns Glauce, parabéns Matteo. Felicidades eternas pra vocês dois!
Glauceee que linda! E que post mais lindo, confesso que fiquei toda emocionada aqui!
Parabens mesmo!
Pelo jeito voces aproveitaram bem o dia, com muitas comidinhas gostosas!
Então... eu estava viajando nessa época e mesmo de volta, só hoje pude ver este post e dar uma navegada no seu blog. O que eu tenho a dizer é que vcs são um casal lindo e muito especial. Espero que esses 4 anos se tornem mais 4, mais 20, enfim, durem a vida toda! Sejam sempre muito felizes! Parabéns e um beijo enorme! Saudade!
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