Monday 4 October 2010

Can I make this at home?

One of my reasons to go to restaurants is to have the chance to try different, original and tasty vegan meals, things that I haven't the talent (and experience) to cook myself. One other good reason is that some days a good food is a ready food. And you know, I'm not having the time to cook and when I do, I'm too tired to try new adventures in the kitchen.

But there are two different kinds of thoughts that usually go through my head when I'm looking to a menu or to the meals of the days in the restaurants:

1. "Could I make this at home?" - This is what I think when I try something really good and different that I'd like to eat more often (and that I wouldn't have the money to buy that often). I really like to try to find out all the ingredients used in a meal and think about the way it's made. I know that most of the times I won't be able to do exactly the same, but I enjoy trying and also adding some personal touch to those "restaurant meals".

An amazing spaghetti al pesto salad that I had at Cornucopia last week

2. "I could make this at home!" - On the other hand, this is a not a good thought. Well, not a good one for the chefs and restaurants, I think. Sometimes I ask for a meal and after trying it, the first thing that comes to my mind is "F**k! I could make it home, better and cheaper!" And this second thought really annoys me. I know how practical is not having to go to the kitchen to prepare a meal, but I always expect to get something at least not so trivial when I'm in a restaurant.

I know that I'll always have one of these two thoughts going out to eat, no mater where, but I hope I can have more of the number 1.


Juliana said...

tomara que o tofurky chegue por ai em breve :)

Clarissa said...

Pois é, isso é sempre algo que a gente se pergunta também.
Te falei que o Hans Wurst fechou? :( E que nao tem mais brunch no Cafe Vux? :((

All about... (vegan) food said...

Nao, Clarissa, voce nao tinha falado! Que noticias tristes, principalmente a do brunch no Cafe Vux :(

Clarissa said...

Pois é. Até dói, né? Mas eles continuam abertos aos domingos, só que ai acho que vc tem que pedir os pratos, nao sei ainda como funciona. Deve ter ficado mais caro...vou ver se consigo ir la e te conto.


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