Monday, 12 October 2009

Vegan Mofo III - Day 12 - Comfort food

We had some great food this weekend, besides the vegan cheese cake. We had time to go out to buy some stuff for the new apartment and walk around on Sunday night! And we decided to cook some fast, comfort food.

I'll post the tips to make this bread these days! It's the easiest thing ever :)

And this was just a cuscus with leek and seitan. Ready in 5 minutes and delicious!

I have some other tips about fast food here, here and here. Enjoy it!


Clarissa said...

O Dennis descobriu couzcouz depois que eu vim pra cá, e tá sendo uma das comidas preferidas dele. eheh

All about... (vegan) food said...

A gente compra de uma marca aqui que é só colocar na água morna e pronto, quebra um galho e é delicioso :) Gosto tanto de achar essas coisas meio prontas. Esses dias compramos umas coisas novas da Fry's que são ótimas também!


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