Friday 27 November 2009

My day to say thanks!

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Brazil and neither in Europe, so yesterday was almost a normal day, except that it was a holiday for my husband that works for an American company :)

But today, in my small selfish world, is my day to say THANKS.

In the 27th of November of 2004 an Italian guy started to own my heart. Five years later he is the most important person in my life. My boyfriend, my husband, my best friend.

November 27th . 2007

Matteo, thank you for these 5 years. Thank you for all good memories. Thank you for all the dreams that we have. Thank you for sharing with me your life, your values, you. Thanks for being my partner in everything.

PS. I love you.


Leandro Silva said...

:) Best friends

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Just beautiful!

Lúbia Bustamante said...

Lindos!!! Que gosto que dá de vê-los completando mais um ano juntos! Que vocês continuem assim. =)

Franz said...

Ah! Que feliz! =)

Clarissa said...

<3 <3 <3

Unknown said...

Aaaahhhh, que amor!!!!

Andréa said...

Que linda a sua homenagem. Desejo MUITOS anos mais de muito amor pra voces!!


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