Thursday 3 December 2009

Das Ox-Kochbuch Vier - Ox Cookbook 4

I am super excited today! First because I'm baking almost 200 vegan cupcakes for a wedding party next Saturday. Second because the cookbook from Germany with my vegan recipes is out and my copy arrived today! It looks great and I am so happy :)

The special cover

I already blogged about the book and you can read it here!

One of my recipes

You can order yours here.

December arrived with a lot of great news for me and I'm really loving this month.


Unknown said...

Sensacional!!!! Daqui a pouco vc lança um livro próprio com suas receitas deliciosas!

Bianca said...

Congrats on the cookbook!!! And good luck with those 200 cupcakes.

Clarissa said...

Bom demais.
Eu vou encomendar um livro pra mim! :)

All about... (vegan) food said...

Obrigada, meninas! Clarissa, voce tem que comprar mesmo, é minha única amiga capaz de ler as receitas do livro (e ele tem muuuuitas!) ahahahha

Bianca, thanks a lot for your nice cooment ;)

. said...

Uaaaaaaaaaaaau, que cupcakes lindos!
Poxa, bem que poderia rolar uma versão em portugues né..? ;)



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