Tuesday 12 January 2010

More news: Green food!

I told you 2010 would be a busy year! I have more news to share with you. Last year I received an invitation to be part of the German cookbook Das Ox-Kochbuch 4 and because of this I received another invitation: to write an article for a new magazine that some great people where trying to publish. Of course my answer was yes and today the first issue arrived in my mail box!

I can't understand nothing at all, but the magazine looks great. It's beautiful and I could see that there's an interview with Moby and an article with a great German chef called Attila Hildmann (I saw his book when I was in Berlin in November). My article is about Dublin ;-)

I really hope that they can continue with this project because Germany is a great country for vegetarian and vegan people and it's always important to spread the word. You can know more about the magazine here (in German).


Andréa said...

Congratulations, Glauce!!

Carlota said...

Parabens Glauce!
Tem como vc tirar uma foto do texto p eu dar uma lida (eu falo alemao)..vc pode mandar para carlamonich@gmail.com


PS: Adoro o blog!

Bianca said...

Neat! I bet it's frustrating though to see your article but be able to translate it!

All about... (vegan) food said...

Obrigada, Andrea e Carlota!
Eu tirei uma foto mas acho que nao da pra ler, vou tentar fazer uma mais legivel porque nao tenho um scanner aqui e te mando depois :)

Bianca, at least I wrote it in English. Hope they didn't change it!

Clarissa said...

Eu também posso ler pra ver se mudaram algo, mas eu duvido! Els sao super corretos, né? hehe


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