Monday, 18 May 2009

Cheesy weekend

In Brazil we don't have vegan cheese to buy. The only way to eat it is making a kind of cheese with nuts (recipe in Portuguese here). Everybody says that it's really good, but I never tried (must do it someday). So I stayed many years without considering the possibility of eating vegan cheese (I prefer don't think about things I can not have instead of staying suffering because I don't have them).

But here is different. We can find a lot of vegan cheese options and I just love them all! And last weekend we had a couple of cheesy days. On Saturday we had a delicious pizza night! Matteo is getting better and better on cooking pizzas (do you remember our first pizza? We never forget it!) and I'm enjoying to eat them at home. So we had two amazing vegan cheesy pizzas with cream cheese (Tofutti) and tons of cheddar (Redwood).

On Sunday we came back from the all ages gig starving and chose the faster option: pasta. But we still had some cheese left and Matteo improvised what would be one of the best pastas ever: vegan cheesy penne. I didn't take pictures because it wouldn't be fair with that great recipe(it looks like a normal pasta with white sauce but it's so better!). All you need is pasta, salt, oil, soy cream, cream cheese, diced cheddar, parsley and stock cube. Boil the water, add some salt and the pasta (let cook until the way you prefer it - “al dente” or well cooked). In a separated pan put the oil, the soy cream, the stock cube and the parsley. Mix everything and add the cream cheese and the diced cheddar. Let cook until the cheddar is softened. Put the sauce on the pasta and that's it, done! Easy, fast and superb!

Two other related posts:
Pasta: Fast and delicious
Pizza: Everything ends in pizza!


Unknown said...

I had another vegan pizza this weekend. It was even better than last time. I'll get a picture sent over.

Lúbia Bustamante said...

Ó céus! Que delícia! :o Vejo que o tema da pizza vcs tão tirando de letra já! Q legal!

Esses dias tive foi uma vontade enorme de comer pão de queijo...Buah! Vcs já fizeram aí??? Eu queria tentar fazer pra mostrar pros meus amigos antes de eu ir embora.

Ah, hoje mostrei seu blog para a Camila, namorada do Celso, e ela amou. Ela posta umas receitas no blog dela também (

Tem hora que sinto saudade do meu blog...mas melhor assim. Se é para não escrever, melhor não ter. =/

Bom, sigo lendo...que quero te escrever, mas primeiro quis passar para me atualizar um pouco com suas coisinhas e assim não estar te perguntando tudo de novo (que desde a nossa última msg já faz um tempo...). Aguarde mais coments! Beijos cheios de saudades!!!

Anonymous said...

Tá loc, véi. Doidimais, véi.

I need to taste some vegan cheeses. I'm sure it's delicious!


Clarissa said...

Lembra que eu te falei, né? Tem que colocar o cream cheese, a pizza fica perfeita! Vc misturou com um pouco de creme de leite? Ajuda a render (poooooobreeeeee! hahahhaha). Tá com uma cara muito boa (saudades da vida fácil vegan! hehe)!

Fiquei com vontade de testar essa receita de queijo vegan também. Parece bom - e fácil de fazer.

Ontem aqui em casa foi dia de cachorro-quente, me entupi de comer!


All about... (vegan) food said...

Lú, a gente não fez pão de queijo não (aliás, nunca fiz, em lugar nenhum heheh)! O Matteo nem é muito fã na verdade e eu também não sinto falta, queria mesmo era coxinha, mas vou comer demais em BH! ahahaha

Clarissa, pois é, você falou e a gente fez algumas vezes com ele, mas a gente ainda prefere a clássica marinara com coisas em cima!

Filype, você vai provar um dia!

All about... (vegan) food said...

I just read a super cool article about a rice vegan cheese. I hope I can find them one day here because they look delicious and are soy free:

Check out the link!

Andréa said...

Ah, que bom eh poder comprar o que se quer, neh? O Brasil precisa correr atras do prejuizo, meu. Anteontem compramos 2 tipos de queijo vegano aqui no Whole Foods. Um pra ralar sobre massa e outro em fatias, pra fazer sanduiche. DELICIA! E vc sempre postando links ao brazil nut -- obrigada, minha lobista!! :)

After The Storm said...

Hey, thanks a lot! Pics of your cupcakes kill! Actually once I somehow found your blog and found out bout the Cupcakes shop in Berlin and I went there a couple of weeks later, ordered 2 but one was totally enough for me. Keep on posting the awesome stuff you bake! Peace out.


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