Thursday, 18 February 2010

Matteo's famous salad

The College

2010 started in a different way for me. After one year being basically at home (which doesn't mean that I didn't have a lot to do), I'm going out every day now because of my Master in Journalism and Media Communications. I'm loving to be back in College and I'm enjoying the classes and also the fact of meeting different people. My course is a part time one, so most of my colleagues are Irish. Besides that I'm still collaborating with the German magazine Kochen ohne Knochen (I'll have two articles in the second issue) and writing my column for the Brazilian

I'm also loving the new house and the neighborhood. Now I feel like really living in Ireland!

Our street

On the other side, I'm not baking because I still don't know how the oven here works and I'm not cooking as much as before because I don't have the same free time anymore. But we still have some delicious meals around. I don't know if I wrote it here before, but Matteo is also a good cook. And he has some
specialties. One of my favorite ones is his beans salad. I'm not a salad-person but I really enjoy this one! I know that most of vegan people are not that interested in find salad recipes around the internet, but you should try this one. As he says, the recipe is very flexible. There are four ingredients that are mandatory: beans, onion, tomatoes and olive oil. The rest is up to you! I love the version that also has salad and chickpeas ;-) And don't forget to eat it with your favorite bread too.

Matteo's "famous" salad


Anonymous said...

Mesmo só ter visto por fotos, posso dizer que amo sua casa e a vizinhança, hehe.

E quanto a salada... piro em salada assim com tudo quanto é coisa regada a "olive oil". Yummy! Saladinha de feijão rules.

x said...

I am sure you will figure out the oven and then you can start making your fantastic cupcakes again!

Also, your street looks gorgeous :)


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