Friday, 22 January 2010
Together is better!
Since the New Year we (me and my sister-in-law, basically) are trying to cook a perfect vegan frittata (a very good Italian dish, that's like the Brazilian omelet). We did some good food those days but it wasn't what we expected. Today I decided to try a mix of frittata, omelet and crepe/pancake, everything together. Also I'm trying to cook more things without soy because me and Matteo eat almost everything with soy.
I still have a package of chickpea flour, so I decide to use it with my traditional crepe/pancake recipe. As Isa Chandra says in her book "Vegan Brunch", chickpeas flour "lends an eggy flavor to omelets and crepes as well as a pretty, pale yellow color". The result was amazing and I'll cook it a lot of times this year, for sure.
(I made almost 1L of the final mix, that was enough for 6 big frittatas)
2 cup self-raising flour
1 1/2 cup chickpea flour
3 cup cold water
1 cup vegetable oil
1 chopped leek
3 big chopped mushrooms
1 cup chopped spinach
You can use basically all the vegetables you want with the basic dough, it will work!
First mix the flours, the water, the vegetable oil and the salt in a food processor (or blender). If you want, you can cook the vegetables for 1 or 2 minutes but I just added them direct in the dough. Preheat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Use 1 cup increments to make big frittatas. Use the back of a regular spoon or a spatula to spread the mix. Let it cook for about 3 minutes and try to flip it. Cook for other 2 or 3 minutes.
Matteo loved it! I think I got close to the regular frittata today and he was so excited that he also ate it with bread, like a sandwich (pane e frittata).
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Como tenho visto que muitos dos meus leitores sao brasileiros, decidi postar a receita do omelete/frittata tambem em portuges (sem acentos, me desculpem):
Essa receita da praticamente 1L de massa, que rendeu 6 frittatas bem grandes:
2 xicaras de farinha com fermento (na verdade nao muda muito usar a sem fermento tambem nao, mas com essa ela fica mais alta)
1 1/2 xicaras de farinha de grao-de-bico
3 xicaras de agua fria
1 xicara de oleo vegetal
sal a gosto
1 alho poro fresco picado
3 cogumelos grandes picados
1 xicara de folhas de espinafre picadas
Na verdade voce pode fazer a receita usando legumes variados, da proxima vez quero tentar com brocoli e couve-flor.
Bata as farinhas, a agua, o oleo e o sal em um processador ou liquidificador. Se voce quiser, pode refogar um pouco os legumes/verduras antes, mas eu usei crus mesmo. Acrescente a massa e misture. Aqueca uma frigideira grande e antiaderente e despeje a massa usando 1 xicara para frittatas grandes ou 1/2 para menores. Frite por 3 minutos e vire (com cuidado). Se voce achar que a massa ainda esta muito mole, espere mais 1 ou 2 minutos. Frite por mais 3 minutos e esta pronta.
vegan food
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Yum, that looks delicious! Thanks for the great lunch idea!
Oi Glauce,
Adorei ter versão em português da receita!
Quando eu acabar minha dieta vou fazer com ctz!!
Beijos Beijos
Onde vc arruma essa farinha de grão de bico?
Clarissa, em lojas de produtos vegans ou naturais aqui tem, mas se você não encontrar, tem como fazer, é só moer o grão de bico no liquidificador/processador ;)
amazing, I want to try this!
As Isa Chandra says in her book Vegan Brunch, chickpeas flour lends an eggy flavor to omelets and crepes as well as a pretty, pale yellow color". The result was amazing and I'll cook it a lot of times this year, for sure.
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