Most of the people thinks that all vegan and vegetarian people love salads. And it is not like that. Some do, others don't. I grew up without eating a lot of vegetables. My family hadn't this habit. We used to eat vegetables like potatoes, carrots, broccoli, just cooked with other food, never in cold and traditional salads. So I just started to try to eat salads after becoming vegan. So when someone asks me "But does vegan people just eat lettuce?", you can imagine my face (and answer)... I think even after becoming vegan, I could count the days in my life I have eaten salad.
I am definitely not the kind of person that asks for salad in a restaurant. I just do that when I really have no other option. So, you may be asking, what do you eat? The rest of the food! I love all kind of pasta, risotto, lasagne, rice and beans, everything cooked with potatoes, salted pies... and the list goes on.
But my life is changing. In November I decided to start a diet. I won some extra weigh after turning on the 30s and it's time to say goodbye to them. So I talked with one of my best friends, Clarissa, who is vegan and is almost a nutritionist. And the first part of this diet is about change some habits to have a healthier and more balanced diet. Yes, I still can be healthier! So she asked me to start eat more vegetables, with salads, not with the food. So I did it. It's not that easy and it's not that good too. But I am eating green salad and tomatoes every single day.
These last days, I decided to add some fried red tofu to the salad. I know that everything fried is good but not healthy. But you don't need to use oil to fry the food. Just let it in the pan for some minutes (around 8) and it will taste a lot better. So this is the (best) way I figured out to eat salad! Yesterday I did the same with vegan sausages. I know I won't do it every day, but it's helping a lot to keep the new (and good) habit.
And the other great option is eating tomatoes and lettuce with the sandwiches at night! This is really amazing. Vegan cheeseburger is better like that. You know, we don't eat food at night, just have a meal with sandwiches (the opposite of Irish people that eat sandwiches at lunch time and food at night).
I can say that I am starting to enjoy the salads and I'll try more options. This is an habit that I will keep (we'll keep because my husband is eating too)! Thanks, Clarissa, for the great job. I am doing my best here!
Hmmmm... salad days, hehehe. Well, that I can't say the same. I'm a salad lover. I almost could answer that vegetarian question about lettuce saying "yes, that's what I eat", hehehe. 'Cos I'm always making salads at lunch. All kinds. Just love it. And you can use different sauces, you should learn how to make salad sauces. It's delicious and you won't be eating "just" the vegetables. =D
I use mayonnaise or extra virgin oil most of the times, but I really need some sauce recipes! And you're more than welcome to help me with this ;o)
You can start with the classic Thousand Island. Do you remember Hellmann's used to sell it here in Brazil in '98, '99? They kept selling the French one, Italian, and others, but stop selling Thousand Island, which was the only vegan one. Here's the recipe:
claro que eu lembro de vc! como vai por aí? tb foi parar no hemisfério norte? seu marido é irlandês? como é que rolou esse lance, me conta!
curti seu blog! eu também adoro comida, trabalho num supermercado natureba há 5 anos e era adepta de um veganismo-freeganismo até esta gravidez. Agora, tive vontades loucas de comer queijo brie!! Bléé! Aí quebrei meu edge! hahah Leite de vaca tb tenho vontade mas não consigo, é mto nojento d+! Quanto rola esse tipo de larica eu faço uma enorme tigela de yogurte de soja com bastante frutas, granola e gotas de chocolate meio-amargo - yum!
Aaaaaah, adorei, adorei!
Fico super feliz, e espero que vc continue firme assim. :)
What really helps get salad down, if you aren't a green leafy lover, is Green Smoothies! A few leave, a banana and an apple, a bit of lemon or ginger, or both and you have a delicious drink with your vege in it! I love mine with cucumber.
É, realmente na minha 1a gravidez eu tive só desejo de frutas cítricas - e muitas! Chupava limão com sal praticamente todo dia (fiz isso tb no início da 2a gravidez pq ajuda com o enjôo), comia toranjas e laranjas mil... e em um episódio fiquei completamente hipnotizada e enlouquecida com o cheiro de um sanduíche "tuna melt" no meu trabalho, mas resisti! Mesmo pra quem come carne, o atum é o pior peixepra se comer na gravidez (mto mercúrio). Enfim, agora tenho vontade de queijo e estou comendo. Esse 5o mês é o mês em que os ossos do bb vão ficando mais firmes, devo estar precisando de mais cálcio...
obrigada por passar no blog!
p.s. Já viu esse site?
Hmmmm, you got me hungry!
complicadissimo comer saladas. eu descobri que, pra mim, o segredo é a temperatura. Saladas quentes são bem mais gostosas. Não colocar os vegetais cozidos na geladeira! E acho que seria bom num dieta tb, já que que aquecida ela parece satisfazer mais.
O problema de aquecer (cozinhando ou fritando) as verduras é que elas perdem algumas vitaminas ou parte delas. O ideal é comer cru mesmo para absorver mais! Mas estou gostando das folhas assim, na salada ou no sanduiche. A única folha que não consigo comer crua é couve, mas também nunca vi aqui =PP
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