Tuesday 19 August 2008

Every day is an ice cream day!

Today is a happy day. And to match the mood of the day, I will talk about the best food in the world: ice cream! I don’t know if there are people that don’t like ice cream (maybe yes, because there are people that don’t like chocolate either ant this so weird to me…). But, OK, I am just crazy about ice cream!

Since I became vegan I have just been able to find (in Brazil) fruit ice cream. It was impossible to have a good chocolate one or similar. Just the fruit ones! No problem at all because I like them too, but they are made of water and they aren’t creamy. So, I have been years waiting for my first chocolate (or vanilla, or coffee, or nuts) vegan ice cream… And I still can remember when that happened! It’s something like being in heaven! Yes, it is. Ice cream makes people happy. I swear! And a creamy one makes people happier! I swear again!! And a milk shake is… I have no words for the milk shake! Someone please help me.

Now, imagine me, living in a place where you can find all kind of vegan ice cream even at the smaller supermarket in the smaller city of the country! Yes, I'm having ice cream every single day. OK, now it is easier because it’s summer time. But I really don’t care. The last time we came to Italy it was Christmas time, the weather was too cold for me (something between +2 and -4 degrees) and I could not stop eating ice cream. People thought I was crazy, insane maybe… But I didn’t care, I was so happy and that’s the most important thing.

And when I am sad or discouraged I find in ice cream a good stimulus. Most of the women use sugar or chocolate to feel better, I have an ice cream. It makes my day better. It makes the world better! And on some days, when my husband realizes I am sad and offers me an ice cream, if he gets the answer “no, thanks”, that is really a bad, bad day. A day when everyone around worries about me.

So, if you are having a good day, have an ice cream to celebrate. And if it is a bad day, have two to be happy!


Anonymous said...

Well, I gotta confess I was never into those vegan chocolate i.c. homemade that much, and I guess you know it. But I'm pretty sure these vegan i.c. you buy at the supermarket must be good. I mean, at least better than the homemade ones.

And fruit i.c. rocks! =D

Unknown said...

forza valsoia ale ale ale
pra mim, o melhor disparado eh o de amarena. puta merda, eu comprava um pote e comia ele quase todo de uma vez soh! ficava ate com vergonha do povo la de casa.. hahaah =)
mas outra coisa que eu amo sao os biscoitos com sorvete dentro. violentissimo!

Andrey Leonardo said...

"So, if you are having a good day, have an ice cream to celebrate. And if it is a bad day, have two to be happy!"

I will complete:

If you are having a horrible day, have three i.c. and be fat! haha!

All about... (vegan) food said...

Bruno, I agree with you!! Amarena rocks! But right now we can't find the "biscuit" ice cream anywhere =/

Clarissa said...

You gotta find the rice milk one! It sooooo good!
Ice cream for live - and I would love to have two now - this damm Nutrition course will kill me!! I´m sick and tired of it!! =/

All about... (vegan) food said...

Ahh Clarissa, we found it the last time at the supermarket but we didn't buy it because the Valsoia one was in a great promotion ahahaha But for sure I will try it. I could have a job tasting ice creams. It would be really perfect. And I wish I could give you tons of ice cream right now!

Gabriel Cadete said...

OMG ice cream rules. I am crazy about them too! Never had a vegan one, wonder how it will taste for me. Probably the same too. Anyway, I'm crazy about them! Anytime, anywhere. And somebody kill those weirdos who don't like chocolate! I have an uncle who don't eat - get ready to hear - french fries NOR pop corn. I'm not his friend, of course.


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