Friday 20 March 2009

Change Your Diet - Change the World!

MeatOut is an international event, organized by FARM (Farm Animal Reform Movement):

"On (or around) March 20 — the first day of spring — thousands of caring people in all 50 U.S. states and two dozen other countries get active to host educational Meatout events. Activities include colorful festivals, lectures, public dinners, feed-ins, cooking demos, food samplings, leafleting, information tables and more.

The occasion is Meatout, the world's largest and oldest annual grassroots diet education campaign. This year is the 25th annual observance! Every spring, thousands of caring Meatout supporters educate their communities and ask their friends, families, and neighbors to pledge to "kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, compassionate diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains."

This year's theme is Change Your Diet - Change the World!"

(Font: FARM)

How about changing your diet today and start changing the world?

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Um pouco mais de informação em português: Cantinho Vegetariano

(Pic: FARM E-card - Send one to your friends!)


Zucchini Breath said...

Oh, good. More people need to know that it's easy and tasty to eat cruelty-free!

Happy Ostara to you!

nine said...

então, meu email é

manda a receita do cupcake que fará de mim uma garota muuuuito feliz! :D


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