Wednesday 9 June 2010

Japanese (vegan) sweets

A friend from Dublin came over last evening to coffee + vegan cupcakes + talks and he brought us a box of vegan Japanese sweets. He's a big fan of Japan (and I hope that he can move there someday!) and said that this is a typical gift to take to someone's house when visiting.

The small rice "cakes" have a very weird texture but they taste good. The peanut one is my favorite and there are other flavor like mango, read beans and green tea. I really know just a few about Japan and their culture and costumes but it was very nice to listen to him talk about there.

Thanks, xChrisx!


Clarissa said...

Eu sempre tive meio medo de comer esses doces porque sempre achei que eram todos com recheio de feijao! haha

Anonymous said...

Parece bem bom! =D
Japan rules.

Jess - The Domestic Vegan said...

I have never tried these! They sound totally yummy.

Unknown said...

I knew from the picture that the friend was going to be Chris. :)

xthingswesayx said...

Idem à Claris...
Eu sempre tive medo de comer pq sempre achei que tinham alguma coisa de feijão.

All about... (vegan) food said...

Mas tem um de beans mesmo! E nem é bom viu ahahahaahah


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