Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Vegan Mofo III - Day 28 - Chocolate cookies

We have just a few more days of this amazing Vegan MoFo and I'm really happy to be involved this year for the very first time. The blog has a lot of new readers and my loyal readers are always here to support me (L)!

Last Sunday I have no cupcakes to bake because Monday was a bank holiday, so I decided to bake some cookies (instead of doing nothing at all). I don't know why but I had never baked cookies before and it is something so easy to do! I wanted the regular chocolate cookies and none of my cook books have them, so I saw a lot of recipes in the internet and made a mix of them to bake my own cookies.

So, my recipe is (one more vegan cookie recipe!):

2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup sugar

2 tablespoon cocoa powder
2/3 cup maple syrup

1/2 cup oil
2/3 cup chocolate chips (or if you want more, go for it!)

Pre-heat the oven (175ºC) Mix all the dry ingredients. In other bowl, mix the wet ingredients and whisk it. Combine all (use your hands to do this). Make the balls with the size you want and place on ungreased sheet pan with at least an inch between each ball. Put them in the oven and bake them for 15 minutes (I saw different times around the internet and this one worked for me, but keep checking on them every few minutes). They will be done when they seem a little bit softer then you want them to be. They will harden up some as they cool.

And before I forget about it, this is the picture of the last "Pasta al forno" that my husband cooked for us. This is one of my favorite ways to eat pasta and it's so easy to make it (I need to remember to blog the recipe soon):


~PakKaramu~ said...

Visiting your blogmi

Carlota said...

quero a receita desta massa linda! estou fazendo uma lista de comidas brasileiras veganas ou facilmente veganizaveis..já estou no 30 (acabei de publicar um post), se vc tiver sujestoes, seria bem legal..quero chegar no 100!

All about... (vegan) food said...

Vou ver se posto a receita da pasta ao forno logo, é tão fácil de fazer! Vou ver seu post e pensar em mais sugestões pra sua lista :)


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